Boston: Aurora, Again

October 10th, 2024: 2100-2300 EST
“Frostfall” - Jeremy Soule

On a work night, I sneak out of the house after dark for the year’s second major electromagnetic storm over the skies of Eastern Massachusetts. This time compared to May, it’s a frustratingly sporadic event, and I’ve managed to forget my gloves and beanie. From my spot on the hilltop of Larz Anderson Park, the light pollution from downtown Boston (to our northeast) is pretty disruptive, cool as it is to see the glimmers of aurora borealis over the city skyline. I spend most of three hours developing frostbite in my extremities, wishing I were back in bed, being wishy-washy about my timelapse composition (as you can see from the chopped-up video), and chatting with (and showing my camera screen to) a crowd of fellow skygazers who can’t see a damn thing.

Still worth it.