Jane is out of town this weekend, which is an excellent excuse to catch sunrise by myself in the woods. Waking at 5 AM, I drove northwest to Liberty Reservoir, to a pull-off along Deer Park Road which, over a year ago now, I first mistook for the trailhead to Piney Point. Piney Point or not, this little spit of earth over the lake remains my favorite place in the woodlands of Baltimore County.
I arrived a minute after sunrise and quickly made my way down to the shore for this photo. The center of the lake was hosting a flock of several hundred honking Canada geese; the edges were not quite thawed. On my way back, I stopped at the bridge on Deer Park Road, where an elderly fisherman was setting up his bait and tackle. "Damn lucky there's a hole out the middle 'ere," he told me with a chuckle as we looked over the railing. "Aye, good morn for ice fish'n out 'ere."
I was home and back in bed at 8 AM.